Justin Bieber is already in the news cycle in 2011 thanks to some romantic photos, and now he's hit the big time, gracing the cover of the illustrious
Vanity Fair magazine.
In the February issue of
VF, which hits newsstands Jan. 11, Bieber opines on every aspect of his life: The pressure of being just 16 and one of the most famous celebrities on the planet, how he has to deal with life in the public eye, and even admitting he thinks he's absolutely crazy.
Choice quotes below:
On His Mental State: "I’m crazy, I’m nuts ... Just the way my brain works. I’m not normal. I think differently—my mind is always racing. I’m just … nuts. But I think the best
[musicians] probably are."
On His Public Image: "It’s hard to really balance myself. A regular kid, if he catches the flu, he just gets to go home ... But I can’t do that…. Everything is important. But, you know, my sanity is important, too. Even if I’m angry, I’ll just put a smile on my face and fake it. I don’t often fake it—what’s me is me….I know I have to give up a lot of myself, or a lot of a private life."
On Keeping His Head On Straight: "Of course, I think that people are just
waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they’re gonna jump on it….There’s
gonna be haters ... I know I’m not going to make a lifechanging
bad decision, as some people have. I’ve seen it happen too many times. I
could be my own worst enemy, but I don’t want to mess this up.